1. LingWang, Qi Liu, Wanjing Ma*. Optimization of Dynamic Relocation Operations for One-way Electric Carsharing Systems. Transportation Research Part C. 2019.
2. Wanjing Ma, Jing Zhao. Investigating the Driving Behavior at Two-Way Stop-Controlled Intersections in China. Transportation Letters, 2019.
3. Lei Wang, Yugao Zhong, Wanjing Ma*. GPS-data-driven Dynamic Destination Prediction for On-demand One-way Carsharing System. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2019.
4. Lei Wang, Wanjing Ma*, Yingling Fan, Zhongyi Zuo. Trip chain information extraction from travel trajectory data collected by smartphone. Transportmetrica B. 2019
5. Yutong Li, Chen Lv, Junzhi Zhang, Yun Zhang, Wanjing Ma. High-Precision Modulation of a Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical System: Control Synthesis and Experimental Validation. IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, 2018, 23(6): 2599-2608.
6. Wanjing Ma, Li Zou, Nathan H.Gartner. A Partition-enabled Multi-modal Band Approach to Arterial Traffic Signal Optimization. IEEE Transaction on ITS. 2018, 20(1): 313-322
7. Wanjing Ma, Lei Wang, Lin Li. Vehicle Relocation Triggering Thresholds Determination in Electric Car Sharing Systemunder Stochastic Demand. Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2018, 1-15.
8. Jing Zhao, Wanjing Ma*,Larry Head, Yin Han. Improving the Operational Performance of two-quadrant parclo interchanges with median U-turn concept. Transportmetric B. 2018, 6(3): 190-210.
9. Jing Zhao, Wanjing Ma*,Peng Li. Optimizing Vehicle and Pedestrian Trade-Off Using Signal Timing in Intersections with Center Transit Lanes. Journal of Transportation Engineering.2018, 2018, 144(6).
10. Wei Wu, Larry Head, Sanghuiyu Yan & Wanjing Ma. Development and Evaluation of bus lanes with intermittent and dynamic priority in Connected Vehicle Environment. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2018,22(4): 301-310.
11. Chunhui Yu, Yiheng Feng, Henry Liu, Wanjing Ma, Xiaoguang Yang. Integrated optimization of traffic signals and vehicle trajectories at isolated urban intersections. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 2018, 112: 89-112.
12. Wanjing Ma, Ye Liu, Jing Zhao, NingWu. Increasing the capacity of signalized intersections with left-turn waiting areas. Transportation Research Part A, 2017, 105: 181-196.
13. Chunhui Yu, Wanjing Ma*,Ke Han, Xiaoguang Yang. Optimization of vehicle and pedestrian signals forisolated intersections. Transportation Research Part B, 2017, 98:135–153.
14. Chunhui Yu, Wanjing Ma*,Hong Kam Lo, and Xiaoguang Yang. Robust optimal lane allocation for isolated intersections. Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 2017, 32(1): 72-86.
15. Jing Zhao, Wanjing Ma*, Haijun Xu. Increasing the capacity of the intersection downstream of the freeway off-ramp using pre-signals. Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 2017,32: 674-690
16. Haiming Hao, WanjingMa*. Revisiting Distribution Model of Departure Headways at Signalized Intersections. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics. 2017, 5(1):1-16.
17. Wanjing Ma, Kun An, Hong K. Lo. Multi-stage Stochastic Program to Optimize Signal Timings under Coordinated Adaptive Control. Transportation Research Part C, 2016, 72: 342-359.
18. Wei Wu, Wanjing Ma*,Kejun Long and Yinhai Wang. Integrated Optimization of Bus Priority Operationsin Connected Vehicle Environment. Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2016, 50 (8):1853-1869.
19. Dianchao Lin, WanjingMa*, Li Li, Yinhai Wang. A Driving Force Model for Non-Strict Priority Crossing Behaviors of Right-turn Drivers. Transportation Research PartB. 2016, 83: 230-244.
20. Haiming Hao, WanjingMa*, Hongfeng Xu. A Fuzzy Logic-Based Multi-Agent Car-Following Model. Transportation Research Part C. 2016, 69: 477-496.
21. Chunhui Yu, Wanjing Ma*,and Xiaoguang Yang. Integrated Optimization of Location and Signal Timings for Mid-block Pedestrian Crosswalk. Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2016,50(4):552-569.
22. Ji Yangbeibei, Chao Mo, WanjingMa*, Dabin Liao. Feedback Gating Control for Network based on Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016,1-11.
23. Jing Zhao, Wanjing Ma*,Yue Liu, Ke Han. Optimal Operation of Freeway Weaving Segment with Combination of Lane Assignment and On-ramp Signal Control. Transportmetrica A. 2016, 12(5):413-435.
24. Xiaotong Sun, WanjingMa*, Wei Huang. Comparative Study on the Capacity of a Signalized Roundabout. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 2016, 10(3): 175-185.
25. Wei Wu, Wanjing Ma, K Long, H Zhou, Y Zhang. Designing Sustainable Public Transportation: Integrated Optimization of Bus Speed and Holding Time in a Connected Vehicle Environment. Sustainability 2016, 8 (11), 1170-1179.
26. Wanjing Ma, Dabin Liao, Yue Liu, and Hong K. Lo.Optimization of pedestrian phase patterns and signal timings for isolated intersection. Transportation Research Part C 2015, 58:502-514
27. Wanjing Ma, Baoxin Han, Kun An, Nan Zhang. Investigating the applicability of exclusive pedestrian phase attwo-phase actuated controlled intersections. Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2015, 49: 752-767.
28. Jing Zhao, Wanjing Ma*, Head Larry, and Xiaoguang Yang. Optimal operation of displaced left-turnintersections: A lane-based approach. Transportation Research Part C. 2015, 61:29-48
29. Yinsong Wang, WanjingMa*, Yinhai Wang, and Xiaoguang Yang. Dynamic Lane Assignment bApproach for Freeway Weaving Segment Operation. Transportation Research Record,2015, 2424: 48-57
30. Chunhui Yu, Wanjing Ma*, Hong K Lo, Xiaoguang Yang. Optimization of Mid-block Pedestrian Crossing Network with Discrete Demands. Transportation Research Part B. 2015, 73: 103-121.
31. Wanjing Ma*, Dabin Liao, Yu Bai. Empirical Analysis of Countdown Signals on Pedestrian Behavior.Transport.2015, 168(1): 15-22.
32. Wei Wu, Wanjing Ma*,Kejun Long. Capacity Matching based Model for Protected Left Turn Phases Designof Adjacent Signalized Intersections along Arterial. Traffic & Transportation. 2015,27(1): 13-21.
33. Jing Zhao, Wanjing Ma*,K. Larry Head, Xiaoguang Yang. Dynamic Turning Restriction Management for Signalized Road Network: A lane-based Approach. Transportation Research Record 2487,2015, 96-111.
34. Wanjing Ma, Larry Head, Yiheng Feng.Integrated Optimization of Transit Priority Operations at Isolated Intersections: A Person-Capacity-Based Approach. Transportation Research Part C40, 2014: 49-62.
35. Wanjing Ma, Yue Liu, Larry Head. Optimization of Pedestrian Phase Patterns at Signalized Intersections: A Multi-objective Approach. Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2014,48:1138–1152.
36. Wanjing Ma, Li Li, Zhizhou Wu. Investigation of the performance of two-way left-turn lane on roads with staggered intersections. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. 2014, 41(12): 1005-1018.
37. Jing Zhao, Wanjing Ma*,Yue Liu, and Xiaoguang Yang. Integrated design and operation of urban arterials with reversible lanes. Transportmetrica B: TransportDynamics.2014, 2(2): 130-150.
38. Jing Zhao, Wanjing Ma*,Larry Head, Xiaoguang Yang. Optimal Intersection Operation with Median U-turn: Lane-Based Approach: Transportation Research Record 2439, 2014:71-82.
39. Yinsong Wong, WanjingMa*, Wei Yin, Xiaoguang Yang. Implementation and Testing of Cooperative BusPriority System in Connected Vehicle Environment: Case Study in Taicang City,China. Transportation Research Record 2424,2014: 48-57.
40. Yiheng Feng, K. Larry Head, Wanjing Ma. Estimating Vehicles in the Dilemma Zone and Application to Fixed-time Coordinated Signal Optimization. Transportation Research Record2439, 2014: 62-70.
41. Wanjing Ma, Yue Liu, Larry Head, Xiaoguang Yang. Integrated optimization of lane markings and timings for signalized roundabouts.Transportation Research Part C 36, 2013: 307–323.
42. Wanjing Ma, Yue Liu, Xiaoguang Yang. A Dynamic Programming Approach for Optimal Signal PriorityControl upon Multiple High-frequency Bus Requests. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2013, 17(4):282–293.
43. Wanjing Ma, Yue Liu, and Baoxin Han. Arule-based model for integrated operation of bus priority signal timings and traveling speed. Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2013, 47:369–383.
44. Wanjing Ma, Hanzhou Xie, Yue Liu, Larry Head, Zhengke Luo. Coordinated Optimization of signal timings for intersection with Pre-signals. Transportation Research Record. 2013, 2355:93-104
45. Wanjing Ma, Wei Ni, Larry Head, JingZhao. Effective Coordinated Optimization Model for Transit Priority Control under Arterial Progression. Transportation Research Record.2013, 2356:71-83.
46. Wanjing Ma, Hanzhou Xie, Yu Bai,Jing Zhao, Xiaoguang Yang. Signal timing optimization model based ondual-ring phase scheme for roundabout. Journal of Central South University. 2013, 20: 563–571.
47. Jing Zhao, Wanjing Ma*,H. Michael Zhang, Xiaoguang Yang. Two-step Optimization Model for Dynamic Lane Assignment atIsolated Signalized Intersections. Transportation Research Record, 2013, 2355: 39-48.
48. Jing Zhao, Wanjing Ma*,H. Michael Zhang, Xiaoguang Yang. Increasing the Capacity of Signalized Intersections with Dynamic Use ofExit-lanes for Left Turn Traffic. TransportationResearch Record, 2013, 2356:49-59.
49. Xiaoming You, Li Li, WanjingMa*. Coordinated Optimization Model for Signal Timings of Full Continuous Flow Intersection. Transportation Research Record, 2013, 2356: 23-33.
50. Jiawen Wang, WanjingMa*, and Xiaoguang Yang. Development of Degree-of-Priority Based Preemption Control Strategy for Emergency Vehicle Operation. Discrete Dynamics in Natureand Society, 2013: 1-10.
51. Wanjing Ma, Xinchen Ye. Optimal Cycle Length Model Based on Offline and Online Bus Priority Control Requirements. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology. 2013,13(1), 61−72.
52. Wanjing Ma, Hanzhou Xie, Baoxin Han. Development and Evaluation of an Economic-Driving Assistance Program for Transit Vehicles. Energies, 2012, 5(2):371-385.
53. Wanjing Ma, Yue Liu, Hanzhou Xie, Xiaoguang Yang. Multiobjective Optimization of Signal Timings for Two-Stage Midblock Pedestrian Crosswalk. Transportation Research Record2264, 2011, 34-43.
54. Jie Yu, Yue Liu, Gang-Len Chang, Wanjing Ma, and Xiaoguang Yang. Locating urban transit hubs: Amulti-criteria model and case study in China, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2011, 137(12): 944-952.
55. Wanjing Ma, Yue Liu and XiaoguangYang. Investigating the impacts of green signal countdown devices: empirical approach and case study in China.Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2010, 136(11): 1049-1055.
56. Wanjing Ma, Xiaoguang Yang, WenjingPu and Yue Liu. Signal Timing Optimization Models for Two-stage Midblock Pedestrian Crossing. Transportation Research Record 2198,2010:133-144.
57. Wanjing Ma, Xiaoguang Yang and YueLiu. Development and Evaluation of a Coordinated and Conditional Bus Priority Approach. Transportation Research Record 2145, 2010, 49-58.
58. Jie Yu, Yue Liu, Gang-Len Chang, Wanjing Ma and Xiaoguang Yang. A Cluster-Based Hierarchical Model for Urban Transit Hub Location Planning: Formulation, Solution, and Case Study.Transportation Research Record 2112, 2009: 8-16.
59. 马万经, 刘烨. 左转短车道对信控交叉口最大通过量影响研究. 中国公路学报. 2017, 30 (6) :268-278
60. 赵靖, 马万经*, 汪涛, 廖大彬. 基于宏观基本图的相邻子区协调控制方法. 交通运输系统工程与信息. 2016, 16(1): 78-84.
61. 赵靖, 马万经*. 基于实测数据的绿灯倒计时对驾驶行为的影响. 公路交通科技.2016, 33(7):119-124.
62. 马万经. 行人过街交通系统优化设计. 交通与港航. 2016, 4, 19-23
63. 马万经,叶新晨,廖大彬,白玉. 停车让行交叉口机动车接受间隙和拒绝间隙分布特征. 中国公路学报. 2015, 28(4): 86-93.
64. 俞春辉, 杨晓光, 马万经. 考虑随机需求的出租车上客区泊位设置模式和规模优化方法. 中国公路学报. 2015, 28(3): 102-109.
65. 金辉, 杨晓光, 滕靖, 马万经. 通行条件对公共汽车碳排放的影响. 城市交通. 2015, 13(1): 66-71
66. 赵靖, 马万经*, 杨晓光. 考虑下游交叉口的路段行人过街优化控制模型. 同济大学学报. 2014, 42(10): 1536-1542
67. 杨晓光, 赵靖, 马万经, 白玉. 信号控制交叉口通行能力估算方法研究综述. 中国公路学报, 2014, 27(5): 148-157.
68. 王嘉文, 马万经*, 杨晓光. 紧急交通流信号控制优先级划分模型. 东南大学学报. 2014, 44(1): 222-226.
69. 吴伟, 马万经*, 杨晓光. 车路协同环境下基于动态车速的相位差优化模型. 控制理论与应用. 2014, 3(4): 519-524
70. 杨晓光, 马万经等. 智慧主动型交通控制系统及实验. 工程研究-跨学科视野中的工程. 2014, 6(1): 43-53.
71. 吴伟, 马万经*, 杨晓光. 车路协同环境下基于路径的交叉口信号协调优化模型. 吉林大学学报. 2014, 44(2): 1-9.
72. 马万经,廖大彬. 网络交通流宏观基本图:回顾与前瞻. 武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版), 2014, 38 (6):1226-1233.
73. 马万经,吴明敏, 韩宝新. 考虑可变速度调节的单点交叉口公交信号优先控制方法. 中国公路学报. 2013, 26(2): 127-133.
74. 马万经, 谢涵洲.双停车线进口道主预信号配时协调优化模型. 吉林大学学报. 2013, 43(03): 633-639.
75. 吴伟, 马万经*, 杨晓光. 信号控制交叉口左转相位协调设计方法. 同济大学学报, 2013, 41(1): 66-71.
76. 马国胜, 马万经. 基于图像的过街行人交通参数获取方法. 交通信息与安全. 2013, 31(6): 23-26.
77. 马万经, 陆艳, 安琨, 赵靖. 短车道信号控制交叉口通行能力概率模型. 同济大学学报. 2012, 40(11): 1641-1646.
78. 吴志周, 范宇杰, 马万经.基于灰色神经网络的点速度预测模型. 西南交通大学学报, 2012: 47(2): 285-290.
79. 马国胜, 马万经. 两相位交叉口左转交通流冲突延误改进模型. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2012, 44(10): 75-78.
80. 谭真, 梅振宇, 黄志义, 马万经. 协调控制下主动信号优先策略的最佳周期模型. 公路交通科技. 2011, 29(7): 104-110.
81. 马万经, 谢涵州, 杨晓光. 考虑远端停靠站的交叉口公交优先控制方法,同济大学学报. 2011: 39(4): 524-528.
82. 马万经, 谢涵洲, 安琨. 信号控制交叉口过饱和状态识别研究综述. 交通信息与安全, 2011, 29(5): 1-4.
83. 陈雪峰, 马万经.信号协调条件下交叉口两难区仿真分析. 交通科学与工程, 2011, 27(3): 87-93.
84. 马万经,杨晓光. 基于车道的单点交叉口公交被动优先控制模型. 中国公路学报2010, 23(5): 96-101.
85. 马万经, 聂磊, 杨晓光. 基于损失时间的单点交叉口信号相序优化模型. 同济大学学报. 2010, 38(7): 1007-1011.
86. 杨晓光, 黄玮, 马万经.过饱和状态下交通控制小区动态划分方法. 同济大学学报. 2010, 38(10): 1450-1457.
87. 马万经,杨晓光. 公交信号优先控制策略研究综述. 城市交通, 2010, 8(6): 70-78.
88. 马万经, 杨晓光. 基于动态规划的公交信号优先多申请排序模型. 清华大学学报. 2009, 49(12): 1939-1943.
89. 马万经, 杨晓光. 基于路径的信号控制交叉口关联度计算模型. 同济大学学报, 2009, 37(11): 1462-1466.
90. 马万经, 吴志周,杨晓光. 基于交叉口群公交优先协调控制方法研究. 土木工程学报. 2009, 42(2):105-111.
91. 彭彼乐, 马万经. 十字环形交叉口的非对称信号控制. 交通信息与安全. 2009, 27(1): 51-54.
92. 黄玮,马万经, 杨晓光. 两难区安全改善问题的感应控制方法研究. 交通信息与安全. 2009, 27(4): 75-79.
93. 马万经,杨晓光.信号控制交叉口群左转交通协调设计方法.同济大学学报,2008, 36(11):1507-1511.
94. 马万经,杨晓光. 单点公交优先感应控制策略效益分析与仿真验证. 系统仿真学报,2008, 20(12):3309-3311.
95. 吴志周, 马万经, 杨晓光. 考虑信号优先的相邻公交停靠站最佳布置方法. 公路交通科技, 2008, 25(1):146-150.
96. 钟章建, 马万经,龙科军, 刘好德. 信号交叉口车道功能动态划分优化模型. 交通与计算机. 2008, 26(1):15-18.
97. 姚佼,时柏营, 马万经, 钟章建. 嵌入式单点自适应信号控制系统软件设计. 交通与计算机. 2008, 26(5):127-130.
98. 马万经, 杨晓光. 云美萍. 考虑公交发车频率的信号优先控制方法. 同济大学学报, 2007, 35(11):1470-1475.
99. 马万经,聂磊, 杨晓光. 单点定时信号最优控制模型及仿真分析. 系统仿真学报, 2007, 19(19): 4543-4547.
100. 马万经, 杨晓光. 基于时空优化的单点交叉口公交被动优先控制方法. 中国公路学报, 2007, 20(3): 86-90.
101. 马万经, 杨晓光. 信号控制交叉口实时延误计算模型与仿真分析. 交通与计算机, 2006, 24(3): 1-4.
102. 马莹莹,杨晓光, 马万经. 快速公交站台形式及位置最佳布置方法. 城市交通. 2006, 4(4): 29-31.
103.杨晓光, 马万经, 林瑜. 两相位信号控制交叉口行人专用相位设置条件研究. 公路交通科技, 2005, 22(1): 127-131.
104.马万经,杨晓光, 林瑜. 多相位信号控制交叉口行人相位设置方法研究. 交通运输工程学报, 2004, 4(2): 103-106.