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  • 性别:男
  • 职称:特聘研究员
  • Email:suzicheng@tongji.edu.cn


主要研究领域为道路网络交通控制、智能网联与车路协同、“人工智能+交通管控”等。在Transportation Research Part B、Part C等国内外期刊发表10多篇SCI论文,并受邀在交通领域顶级会议ISTTT做大会报告。受邀担任世界交通运输大会(WTC)道路网络交通控制委员会主席,以及Transportation Research Part C、IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems等多个国际期刊/会议审稿人。入选2023年度上海市人才计划,现主持一项国家自然科学基金青年基金项目和一项CCF-滴滴盖亚合作项目。


2023.07 至今 同济大学交通运输工程学院,特聘研究员


2018.09 - 2022.10    香港城市大学,先进设计与系统工程系,导师:Dr. Andy H.F. Chow

2014.09 - 2018.06    中山大学,交通工程专业,导师:钟任新教授






2021/12  香港交通学会(HKSTS)最佳学生论文奖                                           

2021/09  香港城市大学优秀学术表现奖

2020/12  浙江大学-悉尼大学联合研讨会最佳学生报告奖

2020-2022 香港城市大学优秀研究生奖学金

2018-2022 香港城市大学博士生全额奖学金

2018/06  中山大学优秀毕业生

2018/06  中山大学优秀毕业论文

2017/09  中山大学一等奖学金


-Z.C. SU, Andy H.F. CHOW*, C.L. FANG, E.M. LIANG, R.X. ZHONG. (2023) Hierarchical control for stochastic network traffic with reinforcement learning. Transportation Research Part B, 167, 196-216

-E.M. LIANG, Z.C. SU, C.L. FANG, R.X. ZHONG*. (2022) OAM: An Option-Action Reinforcement Learning Framework for Universal Multi-Intersection Control. Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI2022,CCF-A类会议)

-Andy H.F. CHOW*, Z.C. SU, E.M. Liang, R.X. ZHONG. (2021) Adaptive signal control for bus service reliability with connected vehicle technology via reinforcement learning. Transportation Research Part C, 129, 103264

-Y.P. HUANG, C. Chen, Z.C. SU, T.S. CHEN, A SUMULAEE, T.L. PAN*, R.X. ZHONG*. (2021) Bus arrival time prediction and reliability analysis: An experimental comparison of functional data analysis and Bayesian support vector regression. Applied Soft Computing, 111, 107663

-Z.C. SU, Andy H.F. CHOW*, R.X. ZHONG. (2021) Adaptive network traffic control with an integrated model-based and data-driven approach and a decentralised solution method. Transportation Research Part C, 128, 103154该论文同时被交通领域顶级会议ISTTT接收,并邀请作大会报告,接收率为10%。

-Z.C. SU, Andy H.F. CHOW, N. ZHENG, Y.P. HUANG, E.M. LIANG, R.X. ZHONG*. (2020) Neuro-dynamic programming for optimal control of macroscopic fundamental diagram systems. Transportation Research Part C, 116, 102628


-Z.C. SU, Andy H.F. CHOW*, R.X. ZHONG. (2022) Adaptive network traffic control with an integrated model-based and data-driven approach and a decentralised solution method. Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT24), 接收率=10%, July 24-26, Beijing, China. 

-Z.C. SU(2021) Adaptive transit signal control for bus service reliability via reinforcement learning. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS 2021), December 9-10. Hong Kong. 会议最佳学生论文

-Z.C. SU, Andy H.F. CHOW. (2019) Adaptive network traffic signal control with approximate dynamic programming. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS 2019), December 14-16. Hong Kong.

-Z.C. SU, Andy H.F. CHOW, N. ZHENG, Y.P. HUANG, R.X. ZHONG. (2019) A neuro-dynamic programming approach for perimeter control of two urban regions with macroscopic fundamental diagrams. Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Intelligent Transportation System Conference (ITSC 2019), October 27-30. Auckland, New Zealand.

-S.H. GUAN,Z.C. SU. (2017) Optimization of the Number of Parking Spaces and Rates for on-street Metered Parking: Case Study of Guangzhou CBD”. Proceedings of 22nd International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS 2017), December 8-10. Hong Kong.





